One of the (seemingly 900) reasons we were so excited for our trip to Jamaica with The Y’s last year was using it as a test run for our Honeymoon.
Believe it or not, we have not settled on an idea for our Honeymoon. We have an overall, admittedly typical, vision and lists of 'musts': all-inclusive, tropical, drinks, relaxation, beach. But there are so many options to consider, even as a Bride (/Couple) on a Budget, especially with websites like LivingSocial and Groupon.
In fact, our Jamaica trip came from LivingSocial. GM Y came to me LAST November regarding BM Y’s Christmas gift. He wanted to do something “big” and special for her, since he was planning to propose later in the year. He sent me potential excursions – I know one was Mexico, one was a ski-resort in Colorado and one was Jamaica. We were pro-and-con’ing each when he dropped, “you and Jon should come!” I dismissed it at first with a, “oh, we’d LOVE to but (insert something standard here).” He kept pursuing it, stating that she’d be even more surprised and it’d mean even more to her, we’d have so much fun, it wouldn’t be the same. . . and I caved. It took a little bit of convincing for Jon (he is totally and completely the level-headed, financially responsible half of this duo) but eventually we decided we could and would do it. For the record, GM Y was totally right: BM Y said she didn’t cry until she realized we were going, too (granted, it could have been tears of laughter at the poorly illustrated palm tree and ‘ocean’ I drew in the ‘I.O.U’ I gave her at Christmastime, but still, tears happened).
We purchased the trip before Jon proposed (even though I knew it was coming. . .), so once the engagement was official, we decided to look at this trip as a trial. If we liked Jamaica enough, as I am pretty sure we will, we’d go there for our Honeymoon. I liked that it would have meaning, considering we’re embarking on this trip exactly one year prior to our wedding, and it would be our first “Big Trip” as an engaged couple. We both liked that it was fairly budget-friendly – after all, if we could do it now for seemingly no reason other than to accompany our friends and enjoy some tropical fun, then why not for a big celebration and treat to us as a married couple? In the meantime, though, we’ve been tossing around other ideas just in case.