Our Countdown

Wedding Countdown Ticker

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

How We Met and Became a "We"

I realized kind of belatedly that I haven't really told the in-depth story of us. And I mean, who doesn't love to read ooey-gooey lovey-dovey stories? :)

I initially wrote this in third person for our Wedding Website because I figured it 'fit' better with the whole storytelling ideal - I hope you don't mind, Hive, that I've decided to keep it that way. 

personal photo | The two of us at a wedding last year.
Mr. and Miss Palm Tree first met when Miss Palm Tree's family moved across the street from Mr. PT's family. Their younger sisters were the same age and immediately became best friends. The closest kids to Miss Palm Tree's age, of course, were the neighborhood boys. . .who, of course, hated Miss Palm Tree. . .who, of course, was persistent and obnoxious enough to continue to try to hang around them, despite this hatred. Scars (literal scars!) and stories ensued. 

personal photo | See, scars?! That's my knee scar, thanks to a really brutal game of kickball.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Story of Us: About Steph and Jon

I was going through my posts and realized I never really discussed 'us'. How we met, how we got to this point.* I think it was because when I started to blog, I was so excited to share the planning part that I forgot the background information (and also incorrectly assumed that everyone who reads this would know this stuff already).

So I've decided to officially share our stories and how, eventually, it became one story - The Story of Us. We can title this chapter 'About Steph and Jon'.
one of Jon's personal MSPaint drawings, circa. . .2005? | One day, this will hopefully be edited to read "Miss Fairy n' (insert Jon's undisclosed nickname here)"

Friday, May 25, 2012

The Honeymoon Contenders

One of the (seemingly 900) reasons we were so excited for our trip to Jamaica with The Y’s last year was using it as a test run for our Honeymoon. 

Believe it or not, we have not settled on an idea for our Honeymoon. We have an overall, admittedly typical, vision and lists of 'musts': all-inclusive, tropical, drinks, relaxation, beach. But there are so many options to consider, even as a Bride (/Couple) on a Budget, especially with websites like LivingSocial and Groupon

In fact, our Jamaica trip came from LivingSocial. GM Y came to me LAST November regarding BM Y’s Christmas gift. He wanted to do something “big” and special for her, since he was planning to propose later in the year. He sent me potential excursions – I know one was Mexico, one was a ski-resort in Colorado and one was Jamaica. We were pro-and-con’ing each when he dropped, “you and Jon should come!” I dismissed it at first with a, “oh, we’d LOVE to but (insert something standard here).” He kept pursuing it, stating that she’d be even more surprised and it’d mean even more to her, we’d have so much fun, it wouldn’t be the same. . . and I caved. It took a little bit of convincing for Jon (he is totally and completely the level-headed, financially responsible half of this duo) but eventually we decided we could and would do it. For the record, GM Y was totally right: BM Y said she didn’t cry until she realized we were going, too (granted, it could have been tears of laughter at the poorly illustrated palm tree and ‘ocean’ I drew in the ‘I.O.U’ I gave her at Christmastime, but still, tears happened). 

We purchased the trip before Jon proposed (even though I knew it was coming. . .), so once the engagement was official, we decided to look at this trip as a trial. If we liked Jamaica enough, as I am pretty sure we will, we’d go there for our Honeymoon. I liked that it would have meaning, considering we’re embarking on this trip exactly one year prior to our wedding, and it would be our first “Big Trip” as an engaged couple. We both liked that it was fairly budget-friendly – after all, if we could do it now for seemingly no reason other than to accompany our friends and enjoy some tropical fun, then why not for a big celebration and treat to us as a married couple? In the meantime, though, we’ve been tossing around other ideas just in case. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A much less painful taming of the Hairy, Scary Monster (TMI Again!)

Parts one and two of the Hairy, Scary Monster story focused on my incredible anxiety as well as my less-than-comfortable results post-taming. 

I am beyond elated to share the details of my follow-up waxing, specifically the one that goes a little like this: IT WAS SO MUCH BETTER!!! 

I actually went for the Bikini Wax this time instead of the Brazilian. Although I was initially going to go Brazilian again, they didn't have a time slot available that would work for me and I half-chickened out, half-took it as a sign. The girl on the phone offered, "we could do a bikini instead?" Hmmm. . .bikini, you say? Cheaper, you say? Less land mass to be irritated and swollen, you say? 

Monday, May 21, 2012

What I Cannot WAIT To Do

I went to a Happy Hour recently with some of my co-workers and friends, including Bridesmaid Blackout, Groomsman Y, Mr. Palm Tree and a couple who just got married. They were leaving for their honeymoon in Mexico the next morning. The new Mrs. was joking with me and telling me how insane I'm going to be once invitations go out, because you're so dependent on other people. I told her that her Groom often jokes with me that during the last few months of our planning, Mr. PT is welcome to stay at their place, to ensure the sanity of all involved (har-dee-har-har). 

At some point or another during the conversation I exclaimed, "oh, there is so much I wish I could do right NOW!" Her eyes widened and she laughed at me, asking what I could possibly be excited about since a lot of the big ticket items (shoesdress, venue - just a few examples) are locked and loaded.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Musings and Observations: Relationship Behaviors

This post was inspired by Miss Treasure, who wrote a post about “secret single behavior” that stemmed from this article in the New York Times. 

I have always been an advocate of your significant other being your best friend, your one person that you can be 110% yourself with no matter what. I recently learned that I need to be stop being so WTF’y about the differences among couples and their interactions. I’ve also realized that I need to stop feeling bad when I do have these ‘wtf’ thoughts; because I’m not judgmental or holding it against anyone – you do what you have to do, whatever makes you happy – but I do have opinions. And if they’re negative, then that’s alright, I’m entitled to them – so long as they don’t make me mean or rude. 

All of that having been said, I am so frustrated with all of these articles suggesting that you can’t be yourself in front of your significant other. It’s not just this one in the Times (to be fair, the one in the Times isn’t just about significant others; it’s about roommates in general), but articles like this one in Cosmo absolutely infuriate me. I went on a for real Facebook rant about it. 

personal photo | Forgive me for my MSPaint editing skills.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Hair Love: What gives a girl power and punch?

. . .is it charm, is it poise? No, it's Hairspray

source | Mmm, my husband can serenade me any day. What, you didn't know we're married? ;) 

A more apt title for this post could have been 'Hairspiration' but this song just kept popping in my head so I decided to try and be clever. ;) 

(P.S. I know Mrs. Potion had a really similar title to one of her hair posts - I promise I'm not copy catting, this was written prior to being a Bee and I just love the song, the title, etc. so much that I didn't want to change it.) 

I am always on the lookout for hair and makeup inspiration pictures (to pin to my 'Wedding - EEE!' board on Pinterest, ahem). At this point, I haven't nailed down exactly what I want my makeup to be like, but I know - and honestly, have always known - what I want my hair to be like.

Mr. Palm Tree and I both share a 'wtf' sentiment at this new craze that has had girls wearing their hair down and straight, like every day life, for special events. I have absolutely no clue where this came from, but it makes no sense to me. We both much prefer Princess Giselle's look in every day life than the ridiculousness that was her 'elegant' look for the ball (I must have my hubby James Marsden on the brain, after looking at those pictures I YouTube'd 'True Love's Kiss'. Not ashamed, folks, not ashamed).

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Our First Event as an Engaged Couple

When Jon and I attended our first event as an engaged couple, I was reminded of when Miss Wizard wrote about their First Event experience on WeddingBee. It made me realize that I could write about ours, too! 

So naturally, I went into the wedding with this mindset. I would excitedly tell Bridesmaid Y, who was also at the wedding with Groomsman Y, "I can't wait to write about ____ on the blog!" 

personal photo | Schrends Do A Wedding

Friday, May 11, 2012

The Taming of the Hairy Scary Monster (Potential TMI again!)

After heavily weighing the pros and cons of waxing 'down there', I decided to grab Bridesmaid Y and go on a trial run. 

Both of us were pretty terrified. Being the pro-Googler that I am, I had read TONS of horror stories. Skin getting ripped off? Bacteria? I was hoping that, at the very least, I'd scream here and there and be done with it. 

First and foremost: we knew that - despite all information telling us otherwise - we had to find courage in liquid form. 

source | Mad Mex's "Big Azz" margarita: 22 ounces of liquid courage
Seriously, you haven't lived (and by lived, I essentially mean died a terrible morning after death) if you haven't had one of Mad Mex's legendary margaritas.

Down to the nitty gritty we go, folks: 

If anyone ever tells you that it doesn't hurt, he/she is either a superhero or a liar. Just like the people who say that tattoos don't hurt (I'm here to tell you: I have three, all of which killed in their own unique ways), people who say Hairy Scary Monster waxing doesn't hurt deserve to be seriously interrogated. Of course, I cannot speak for everyone - but I can speak for myself.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Hairy Scary Monster: Part Uno (Potential TMI!)

You know that episode of Full House where Stephanie tries to scare Michelle by referring to the haaaaairy scaaaaaary monster? You know, the one that scares the Cookie Monster?

source | This has nothing to do with anything, except that it came up on a  Google search and made me laugh.
Well. . .I'm not talking about him.

I am talking about the one that lies, often (well. . .hopefully often. . .) hidden on all of us. You know, the hairy scary monster that lives *whispers* down there (insert suggestive eyebrow and knowing look here). 

Here's the deal, friends. I'm not going to pretend to know how all lady bits work OR the preferences of every said lady who reads this blog. I am, however, going to venture into potential TMI territory that every bride thinks about at least one hundred thousand times once. Fair warning.