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Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Story of Us: About Steph and Jon

I was going through my posts and realized I never really discussed 'us'. How we met, how we got to this point.* I think it was because when I started to blog, I was so excited to share the planning part that I forgot the background information (and also incorrectly assumed that everyone who reads this would know this stuff already).

So I've decided to officially share our stories and how, eventually, it became one story - The Story of Us. We can title this chapter 'About Steph and Jon'.
one of Jon's personal MSPaint drawings, circa. . .2005? | One day, this will hopefully be edited to read "Miss Fairy n' (insert Jon's undisclosed nickname here)"
Note: Because I'm a giant goober, I'm going to take some creative liberties and write these in third person. To stick with the story theme. . .get it? :) 

About Stephanie
personal photo |  My 22nd birthday at one of my favorite bars ever.

Stephanie is a 2011 graduate of Carlow University, currently working as a Lease Analyst in one of the skyscraper buildings featured in the beautiful Pittsburgh skyline. She also works part-time as a catering assistant at various events throughout the city. She was born in Las Vegas, Nevada and although she grew up and spent most of her life in New Castle, Pennsylvania, she hates the cold and refers to 'pop' as "soda" - something she jokingly attributes to her roots. Her friends are her family; she is blessed with having the most wonderful, amazing people in her life and she does not know what she would do without them. Stephanie often refers to herself as a textbook Pisces with a few glaring exceptions: she is far from shy, she is completely unafraid of confrontation and she is the least graceful person imaginable. 

Stephanie is head-over-heels in love with Jon, her best friend and soulmate. She often refers to them as puzzle pieces: separately, they're all odds and ends, and to look at them you would never imagine they go together. . but once you put the pieces together, the result is something beautiful.

About Jonathon
personal photo |I'm pretty sure that date is wrong and this is from Memorial Day Weekend 2007. . .yup, he was wearing a beanie cap in summer weather and yup, his hair really was that long

Jonathon, born and raised in New Castle, Pennsylvania, just finished his Computer Engineering degree at the University of Pittsburgh. He works as a - you guessed it - Computer Engineer.  In his downtime, Jon enjoys playing video games, especially on his new PS3, watching everything from South Park to River Monsters, and his cats (there are four; each of which he believes provide him with more entertainment than any of the preceding activities). 

As his above Microsoft Paint-created picture (circa 2005) depicts, Jonathon doesn't know what he would do without Stephanie; he feels like he would be lost in the dark and she is his beacon of light. . .that can sometimes be too bright and overpowering, and even tends to nag. He feels that she brings out the best in him - whenever he needs motivation, support, or unconditional love, she is willing to wholeheartedly offer up all three at the drop of a hat. 

Another Note: Jon actually wrote all of that, admittedly at my insistence (and with my recent editing, ahem). He wanted to add "Sometimes the light asks too many questions and isn't a very good driver," but that was nixed. 

Next Chapter Preview: How we met and became a "We".


  1. Love love LOVE your wedding website! PS I totally stalked your pics and I was SO excited to see the pic of you guys in Delaware!! That be my home state! :P

    1. Thank you girlfriend! I didn't know you were from Delaware! Last year was our first time. :)

  2. heyy! congrats :):):) you're blog is adorable! want to follow each other??


    1. Hi! Thank you for both of the compliments - I'd love to!
