Yup, he's doing exactly what you think he's doing. |
If the mood wasn't already perfect, this definitely brought all of us up to that level.
As I mentioned in my Lady Love post, our friends are important to us. It was really important that Mr. Palm Tree get individual pictures with all of our girls, as well as for me to get individual pictures with all of our guys. I won't shove those in your faces, though - mostly because we have some really freakin' amazing group shots and I want to showcase those. As previously promised, I'll try to keep the narration to a minimum.
I was terrified. Despite the hands everywhere, Best Man R was the only one holding me and my dress was heavy. Eepies. |
The girls tell me that this was way harder and more complicated than it looks. Another photography win. |
Such handsome men. . .GM Y, who apparently missed the memo? Haha. |
What - you don't run in fancy wedding garb every day? Pfffffffft. |
This photo is currently in a frame on my desk in my office. Love it so much. |
TOMS for errybody. For real, I love them and this shot. |
We had high hopes of climbing this dinosaur. . . |
The above picture is another of my favorites (who am I kidding? They all win). I asked Jimmy if we could do a Brady Bunch shot, with all of us peeking out from a different side and he was all for it. GM Pythagoras had heard me refer to it as such, so he started singing "I think I'll go for a walk outside now. . ." and we all joined in at once. One of many, many perfect moments of our day. If it hasn't been made clear yet, I love these people.
GM J, the pointer, grew up with Mr. PT and myself. His mom and MIL Palm Tree are best friends. Mr. PT and GM J tormented me my entire childhood - how perfect that he was in our wedding and how perfect that he's featured in this manner in this photo. |
Our awesomeness experienced a brief interlude as family members showed up for their turn in the spotlight.
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