I interrupt the scheduled honeymoon recaps to bring you news of a long-awaited chop.
That's right, folks, my locks were hacked off the Tuesday after we returned because I just could NOT take it any longer (haha, no pun intended and when I caught it, I laughed).
As a reminder (you know, in case you weren't tracking my hair length on your own. . .), here's how freaking long and annoying my hair was before the scissors got involved:
Slight spoiler! ;) Hair on the wedding day |
BM Tiny Dancer and I being the fools we are at the rehearsal dinner (there was a whole Celine performance, oh yeah). This picture serves absolutely no purpose but to show you how long my hurr was. |
MOH Mem and I at the rehearsal dinner |
Drumroll please. . .
Day it got chopped - still in my work uniform. I was so fed up I went straight there after my shift. |
At the New Kids on the Block, 98 Degrees and Boys II Men Concert with MOH Mem and her sis the night it got chopped. . .had to crimp it for my boy bands! ;) |
On my way to work. . . |
Another pre-work selfie. . .for documentation purposes, of course. |
Out with BM Tiny Dancer, who said to me that I can be married and in love but I CAN'T be old. |
I have to tell you, Hive, I could not WAIT to share this with you. Only you guys would something as mundane as a haircut - it's the POST-WEDDING CHOP, for goodness' sakes! This is not something to be taken lightly. Although, to many, it's like "oh. . .you got your hair cut. . ." whereas in my head I was all !!!!!!!!! I GOT MY FREAKIN' HAIR CUT. I know you all understand. This was pretty much a momentous occasion.
It took me the entire length of our engagement (yup, almost exactly 1.5 years) to grow my hair out as long as it was. Mr. PT was begging me not to cut it so I held out through the honeymoon but after ten days of it being messy, wind-swept, full of humidity and heavy I was OVER.IT. I showed him a picture in a magazine of how I wanted it and he said it wasn't "so" bad - his main concern was mom hair. ;) BOYS.
I am happy to report that I am pleased as pie (is that the saying?) with my new 'do. It's super low-maintenance, which is perfect for summer (especially Pittsburgh summer) and it's fun. It's out of my way and has reduced my getting ready time by 15 minutes and really, when it all comes down to it, the more I can sleep, the happier I am. True story.
. . .we will now return to our regularly scheduled programming. :)
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